1. Which section deal with Oral Evidence?  

A. Section 54  

B. Section 14  

C. Section 37  

D. Section 60  

2. Documentary Evidence is included in the Act under 

A. Section 3  

B. Section 53  

C. Section 65  

D. Section 8  

3. Which is not the essential of the Doctrine of Res Gestae?  

A. The statement made should not be an opinion and must be a statement.  B. The statements should be made by the participants of the transaction.  C. The statements should have enough information to explain or brief about the incident  D. The statement must be as per the advice of legal expert  

4. Conspiracy means 

A. An act done b few person  

B. An act of illegal nature  

C. An act of legal nature by illegal means  

D. All of above  

5. The confession by a person will be considered not relevant if they are 

A. Inducement  

B. Threat  

C. Promise  

D. All of above  

6. A statement, [oral or documentary or contained in electronic form], which suggests  any inference as to any fact in issue or relevant fact, and which is made by any of the  persons, and under the circumstances, hereinafter mentioned is 

A. Admission  

B. Confession  

C. Dying Declaration  

D. None of the above  

7. When one person has, by his declaration, act or omission, intentionally caused or  permitted another person to believe a thing to be true and to act upon such belief,  neither he nor his representative shall be allowed, in any suit or proceeding between  himself and such person or his representative, to deny the truth of that thing is- 

A. Proof  

B. Primary proof  

C. Etoppel  

D. Oral evidence  

8. The conditions for dying declaration are 

A. It must be a written or verbal statement  

B. The statement must be relate to the cause of death  

C. The cause of death person must be in question  

D. All of above  

9. Section 65A deals with 

A. Primary evidence  

B. Secondary evidence  

C. Electronic record  

D. Oral evidence  

10. Resumption of Dowry death is included in the Evidence Act under 

A. Section 54  

B. Section 113B  

C. Section 67  

D. Section 86  

11. Section 133 deals with 

A. A person who take part in the commission of crime  

B. A person who give information of crime  

C. A court which entertains the case  

D. A police officer who Is related to the case  

12. No public officer shall be compelled to disclose communications made to him in  official confidence when he considers that the public interests would suffer by the  disclosure is 

A. Privileged communication  

B. Official communication  

C. Private communication  

D. Confidential communication  

13. All persons shall be competent to testify unless the Court considers that they are  prevented from understanding the questions put to them, or from giving rational  answers to those questions, by tender years, extreme old age, disease, whether of body  or mind or any other cause of the same kind is 

A. Child witness  

B. Adult witness 

C. Dumb witness  

D. Lunatic witness  

14. A witness who is unable to speak may give his evidence in any other manner in  which he can make it intelligible, as by writing or by signs; but such writing must be  written and the signs made in open Court, the evidence so given shall be deemed to be  oral evidence is known as 

A. Dumb witness  

E. An informer  

F. Female witness  

G. Hostile witness  

15. If a married woman is dies within the period of…… from the date of marriage, it will  be considered as presumption as to abetment of suicide by a married woman.  

A. 15 years  

B. 5 years  

C. 7 years  

D. None of the above  

16. How many numbers of witnesses is required in any case to prove the facts?  

A. Two  

B. Five  

C. Seven  

D. No particular number has been specified in the Act.  

17. The examination of a witness by the party who calls him shall be called as 

A. Advocate  

B. Examination –In-Chief  

C. Re-Examination  

D. Cross-Examination  

18. The examination of a witness by the adverse party shall be called as 

A. Cross-Examination  

B. Re-Examination  

C. Examination In-Chief  

D. Leading questions  

19. Any question suggesting the answer which the person putting it wishes or expects to  receive as 

A. Ordinary question  

B. Relevant question  

C. Leading question  

D. Interrogative question 


20. Production of documents is included under 

A. Section 145  

B. Section 163  

C. Section 164  

D. Section 162  

21. The Indian Evidence Act, 1872 applies to all judicial proceedings in or before any  Court, including Courts-martial, but not to  

A. affidavits presented to any Court or Officer, nor to proceedings before an arbitrator 

 B. power of attorney presented to any Court or Officer, nor to proceedings before an  arbitrator  

C. only to high courts and supreme court  

D. only to criminal courts  

22. When there is a question whether an act was accidental or intentional or done with a  particular knowledge or intention, the fact that such act formed part of a series of  similar occurrences, in each of which the person doing the act was concerned, 

 A. is relevant.  

B. is irrelevant.  

C. Is material.  

D. Is immaterial.  

23. Confession made to a police officer,  

A. shall be proved as against a person accused of any offence.  

B. shall not be proved as against a person accused of any offence.  

C. Must be proved as against a person accused of any offence.  

D. May be proved as against a person accused of any offence.  

24. Certified copies are considered as  

A. Secondary evidence  

B. primary evidence  

C. accepted evidence  

D. invalid form of evidence. 


25. Evidence of terms of contracts, grants and other dispositions of property reduced to  form of documents, covered under section  

A. S.91  

B. S.92  

C. S.93  

D. S.94 of Indian Evidence Act.  

26. Under The Indian Evidence Act, 1872, Section 17 to 31 applies to  

A. Admissions  

B. Confessions  

C. Both Admissions and Confessions  

D. Opinion of third person  

27. In civil cases no admission is not relevant if ____________  

A. If it is made upon an express condition that evidence of it is not to be given  

B. If it is not clear in terms and intention  

C. Court is not satisfied  

D. All of the above  

28. ‘Fact judicially noticeable need not be proved’ is given under which section?  

A. Section 56  

B. Section 57  

C. Section 58  

D. Section 59  

29. Section 63 - Secondary evidence means and includes 

A. Certified copies given under the provisions of the Act  

B. Copies made from the original by mechanical processes which in themselves insure  the accuracy of the copy, and copies compared with such copies;  

C. Copies made from or compared with the original and Counterparts of documents as  against the parties who did not execute them;  

D. All of above  

30. Provisions regarding admissibility of electronic records are given under  section________  

A. Section 65 

B. Section 65A  

C. Section 65B  

D. All of above  

31. Burden of proof under section 101 of Evidence Act  

A. never shifts  

B. goes on shifting as the trial proceeds  

C. may shift  

D. both b and c are correct  

32. section 105 of Evidence Act applies to  

A. criminal trials  

B. civil trials  

C. both a and b  

D. neither a nor b  

33. In the criminal trials, the onus is on the accused to prove that his case falls in  

A. any of the general exception  

B. any of special exception  

C. any of the proviso to any provisions  

D. all of the above  

34. A person in section 106 of the Evidence Act refers to  

A. a party to the suit  

B. a stranger to the state  

C. a person who is not a party to the suit but interested in the outcome of the suit  D. a witness  

35. For presumption under section 107 of Evidence Act, the person to be shown to be  alive within  

A. 7 years  

B. 12 years  

C. 3 years  

D. 30 years  

36. A dying declaration is admissible  

A. Only in Criminal proceedings  

B. Only in civil proceedings  

C. In civil as well as criminal proceedings both D.  In Administrative proceeding  

37. Burden of proving that case of accused comes within exception lies on…. 


A. Prosecution  

B. Accused  

C. Magistrate  

D.Any one  

38. What is conclusive proof of legitimacy under the law of Evidence?  

         A. Birth during marriage  

B.DNA Test  

C.Father’s acceptance  

D.Child statement  

39. The following need not be proved  

A. Admitted facts and Judicially noticeable facts  

B.Confession to police  

C.Legitimacy of child  

D.Relevant fact  

40. The following can be proved by oral evidence  

A. Contents of a document  

B. Electronic statement  

C. All facts except a)  

D. Anything and everything  

41. According to S. 25 of Indian Evidence Act, 1872, a confession made before a police  officer  

A. Must be proved  

B. Need not be proved  

C. Must be proved only in certain cases  

D. Must be proved by that police officer  

42. According to Section 62, a Primary Evidence means –  

A. the document itself produced for the inspection of the Court.  

B. The true copy of the document produced for the inspection of the .Court.  

C. the Xerox copy of the document produced for the inspection of the Court.  D. Notarized copy of the document  

43. According to which section of The Indian Evidence Act, 1872, The Court may direct  any person present in Court to write any words or figures for the purpose of enabling  the Court to compare the words or figures so written with any words or figures  alleged to have been written by such person.  

A. Section 62  

B. Section 65A 


C. Section 12  

D. Section 73  

44. According to S. 113A of Indian Evidence Act, 1872, Presumption as to abetment of  suicide by a married woman, it must be shown that the suicide must be committed:  

A. within a period of ten years from the date of her marriage  

B. within a period of six years from the date of her marriage  

C. within a period of seven years from the date of her marriage  

D. within a period of one year from the date of her marriage  

45. According to S. 60, Oral Evidence must be ––  

A. Suitable  

B. Satisfactory  

C. Obtained  

D. Direct  

46. A, an accused wants to submit true copy of a document as secondary evidence. The  original is with the opposite party and he has failed to produce the same. Which of the  following statements will hold true in the case?  

A. The evidence cannot be admitted because it fails to satisfy the requirements of  section 64 of the Indian Evidence Act, 1872  

B. The evidence cannot be admitted because it fails to satisfy the requirements of  section 65 of the Indian Evidence Act, 1872  

C. The evidence can be admitted as it satisfies the requirements of both section 63 and  section 65 of the Indian Evidence Act, 1872  

D. The evidence can be admitted under section 60  

47. A person summoned to produce a document in the Court  

A. Does not become a witness in the case unless he is called as a witness  

B. Automatically becomes a witness in the case  

C. Automatically becomes a hostile witness in the case  

D. Can be cross examined without being called as a witness  

48. Opinion of an expert expressed in a book commonly offered for sale can be proved by  the production of such book if the author  

A. is dead  

B. lives outside the jurisdiction of the trial court  

C. is capable of giving evidence but fails to appear before the court  D. is not willing to give evidence 


49. Declaration in course of business are admissible under  

A. Section 32(1) of the Act  

B. Section 32(2) of the Act  

C. Section 32(4) of the Act  

D. Section 32(7) of the Act  

50. Confession made by an accused to a police officer is admissible under Indian  Evidence Act under  

A. S.25  

B. S.26  

C. S.27  

D. S.28  


1-D, 2-A, 3-D, 4-D, 5-D, 6-A, 7-C, 8-D, 9-C, 10-B, 11-A, 12-B, 13-A, 14-A, 15-C,  16-D, 17-B, 18-A, 19-C, 20-D, 21-A, 22-A, 23-B, 24-A, 25-A, 26-C, 27-A, 28-A, 29-D, 30- C, 31-A, 32-A, 33-D, 34-A, 35-D, 36-A, 37-B, 38-A, 39-A, 40-C, 41-B, 42-A, 43-D, 44-C,  45-D, 46-C, 47-A, 48-A, 49-B, 50-C. 

Premsagar Gavali

This is Premsagar Gavali working as a cyber lawyer in Pune. Mob. 7710932406

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