1. Which of the following is an “intellectual property” as per IPR Laws in India.  A. Original literary work  

B. Industrial Design of Maruti800 car  

C. Trademark of Tata Company  

D. All the above  

2. What protects the intellectual property created by inventors?  A. Copyright  

B. Geographical indications  

C. Patents  

D. Trademarks  

3. How long do patents usually last for?  

A. 10 years  

B. 20 years  

C. 40 years  

D. 60 years  

4. What protects the intellectual property created by artists?  

A. Copyright  

B. Geographical indications  

C. Patents  

D. Trademarks  

5. In India, the literary work is protected until  

A. Lifetime of author  

B. 25 years after the death of author  

C. 40 years after the death of author  

D. 60 years after the death of author  


6. Which of the following principles is applicable to trademarks?  

      A. A trademark should be distinctive  

B. A trademark should be capable of distinguishing goods or services  C. A trademark should not be deceptive  

D. All of the above  

7. Trademark law protects…  

A. Words, symbols or devices that differentiate goods or services from one  another.  

B. Only brand names  

C. Names of specific people and places 

D. Inventions that feature some sort of utility function  

8. Why an invention should be patented?  

i. It gives protection to a patentable invention.  

ii. It gives legal recognition to the invention.  

iii. It makes others aware of the fact as to whom does the invention belong 

iv. Patenting one’s invention make useful data relating to the invention available  to other inventions for further research and development.  

Out of four reasons given above, identify the correct reasons:  

A. (ii) and (iii)  

B. (ii), (iii) and (iv)  

C. None of the above  

D. All of the above  

9. The rights of a patentee are  

A. Sell or distribute  

B. License  

C. Assign the property to others  

D. All of the above  

10. Patentability criteria includes  

A. Novelty  

B. Inventive step  

C. Capable of Industrial application  

D. All the above  

11. The following can be patented  

A. Machine  

B. Process  

C. Composition of matter  

D. All of the above  

12. The rights provided by copyrights are  

A. Reproduction of the work in various forms  

B. Public performance and translate into other languages  

C. Broadcasting by radio or cable  

D. All of the above  

13. A singer wishes to assign the rights to reproduce a video she has made of her concert. 

        A. Copy rights  

B. Trade mark  

C. Patent  

D. Geographical indications  

14. Which of the following can not be exploited by assigning or by licensing   the rights to others. 


A. Patents  

B. Designs  

C. Trademark  

D. All of the above  

15. Trade mark  

A. is represented graphically  

B. is capable of distinguishing the goods or services of one  

 person from those of others  

C. may includes shapes of goods or combination of colours  

D. All of the above  

16. A company wishes to ensure that no one else can use their logo.  A. Copy rights  

B. Trade mark  

C. Patent  

D. Geographical indications  

17. What is term of trademark registration in India?  

A. 10 years  

B. 20 years  

C. 40 years  

D. 60 years  

18. A new way to process milk so that there is no fat in any cheese made from it.  

        A. Copy rights  

B. Trade mark  

C. Patent  

D. Geographical indications  

19. In your view, who can be the right holder of IPR?  

A. Owner of the intellectual property.  

B. The successor in title of the owner of intellectual property.  

C. A licensee duly authorized by the owner of the intellectual property.  

D. All the above  

20. Prior art includes  

A. Prior publication  

B. Prior Use  

C. Prior Knowledge  

D. All the above  


21. Prior art search includes  

A. Search of Patent literatures  

B. Search of Non-patent literature  

C. Both (a) and (b)  

D. None of the above 


22. IPC means  

A. Indian Patent Classification  

B. International Panel Code  

C. International Patent Classification  

D. International Postal Code  

23. Copyright law applies to forms of expression contained in  

A. Song lyrics and musical compositions  

B. Sculptures and paintings  

C. Dramatic and literary works  

D. All of the above  

24. Invention means  

A. New product having inventive step and but not capable industrial application  

B. New product do not have inventive step and capable industrial application  

C. New product or process having inventive step and capable industrial application  

D. None of the above  

25. The term “WIPO” stands for…  

A. World Investment policy organization  

B. World intellectual property organization  

C. Wildlife Investigation and Policing organization  

D. World institute for Prevention of organized crime  

26. Transmission means, transmission by operation of Law, devolution on the personal  representative of deceased person and any other mode of transfer, not being……  A. Transfer  

B. Sale  

C. Assignment  

D. License  

27. Under Section 2 (ze) of the Trade Marks Act, 1999, Tribunal means  A. Registrar  

B. Appellate Board  

C. Chairman of Appellate Board  

D. a and b both  

28. Under the Trade Marks Act, 1999, registration of trade mark is valid for ………….  A. Seven (07) years from registration date  

B. ten (10) years from registration date  

C. seven (07) years from application date  

D. ten (10) years application date  

29. GATT stands for  

A. General Agreements on Tariffs, Trade  

B. General Agreement on Trade & Tariffs 

C. General Agreement on Tariffs & Trade  

D. General Agreement on International Trade & Tariffs  

30. Under the Copyright Act 1957, work means –  

A. Literary, dramatic, musical or artistic work.  

B. Cinematograph film, Sound recording.  

C. a & b  

D. wood craft  

31. Copyright shall subsist in any work of architecture, if  

A. Author is citizen of India.  

B. Work is located in India.  

C. Both a. and b.  

D. author is NRI  

32. In assignment document, if period of assignment of copyright is not stated than it shall  be deemed to be for period of –  

A. 2 years.  

B. 3 years.  

C. 5 years.  

D. Lifetime.  

33. Which authority shall have power to register Copyright Society under the Copyright  Act 1957?  

A. Registrar of Copyright.  

B. Copyright Board.  

C. State Government.  

D. Central Government.  

34. Under the Copyright Act 1957, ‘Broadcast reproduction right’ shall subsists for period  of 

A. 25 years.  

B. 50 years  

C. 60 years.  

D. Lifetime of owner. 

35. Design does not include  

A. Features of shape  

B. Composition of lines or colours 

C. Mode or principle of construction  

D. Movie Song  

36. In India, the literacy work is protected until  

A. Life of author  

B. 25 years after the death of author  

C. 40 years after the death of author  

D. 60 years after the death of author  

37. Which of the following is not an intellectual property?  

A. Copyright act 1957  

B. Trade marks act 1999  

C. Patents act 1970  

D. Customs act 1962  

38. The following can be patented  

A. Machines  

B. Process  

C. Composition of matters  

D. Printed Book  

39. A Singer wishes to assign the rights to produce a video she has made of a concert  

          A. Copyrights  

B. Trademark  

C. Patent  

D. Industrial designs  

40. Which statement is incorrect as regards to patent :  

A. can be granted for research  

B. must be for novel  

C. must be for industrial application  

D. must be obvious  

41. Patent is granted for :  

A. 25 years  

B. 20 years  

C. 60 years  

D. 15 years  

42. Which is not protected by copyright ?  

A. Novel Process  

B. Books  

C. Piece of architecture  

D. Drama 


43. Which IPR is protected for software related to computer program.  

           A. Copyright  

B. Trademarks  

C. Patents  

D. Designs  

44. IPR grants :  

A. its title  

B. Status to the owners  

C. Grants ownership rights  

D. Advertisement of product  

45. Which of the following can not be classified as service mark?  

A. Hotels  

B. Beauty salon  

C. Educational Institution  

D. Government  

46. Wipo Convention applies to:  

A. Geographical Indications  

B. Integrated Circuits  

C. All IPs  

D. Trade Secrets  

47. Idea + quality + identity:  

A. Copyright  

B. Trademark  

C. Patent  

D. Geographical Indication  

48. Strike the odd man out:  

A. Odisha Rasagulla  

B. Tirupati Ladoo  

C. Dhanu Chikoo  

D. Juhu bhel puri  

Answer : 1-D, 2-C, 3-B, 4-A, 5-D, 6-D, 7-A, 8-B, 9-D, 10-D, 11-D, 12-D, 13-A, 14-C, 15-D,  16-B, 17-A, 18-C, 19D, 20-D, 21-C, 22-C, 23-D, 24-C, 25-B, 26-C, 27-D, 28-D, 29-C, 30-D,  31-B, 32-C, 33-D, 34-A, 35-C, 36-D, 37-D, 38-D, 39-A, 40-A, 41-B, 42-A, 43-A, 44-C, 45- D, 46-C, 47-B, 48-D .

Premsagar Gavali

This is Premsagar Gavali working as a cyber lawyer in Pune. Mob. 7710932406

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