Legal Reasoning MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions)


  1. What is the legal principle that states similar cases should be decided similarly? A) Precedent B) Stare decisis C) Res judicata D) Habeas corpus

  2. Which of the following is not a primary source of law? A) Statutes B) Regulations C) Case law D) Executive orders

  3. What is the legal term for a court's power to hear and decide a case? A) Jurisdiction B) Venue C) Standing D) Appeal

  4. What is the legal term for the process of resolving disputes outside of court through negotiation or mediation? A) Arbitration B) Adjudication C) Litigation D) Alternative dispute resolution (ADR)

  5. Which of the following is not a standard of review used by courts when reviewing administrative agency actions? A) De novo review B) Arbitrary and capricious review C) Substantial evidence review D) Strict scrutiny review

  6. What is the legal term for a law passed by a legislative body? A) Statute B) Regulation C) Order D) Bylaw

  7. Which legal doctrine states that courts should defer to the interpretation of statutes by the legislative branch? A) Chevron deference B) Stare decisis C) Res judicata D) Separation of powers

  8. What is the legal term for a legal argument or justification used to support a particular decision? A) Reasoning B) Conclusion C) Judgment D) Dissent

  9. Which of the following is not a recognized type of legal reasoning? A) Deductive reasoning B) Inductive reasoning C) Analogical reasoning D) Emotional reasoning

  10. What is the legal term for a court's power to hear a case for the first time, as opposed to an appellate court? A) Original jurisdiction B) Appellate jurisdiction C) Concurrent jurisdiction D) Exclusive jurisdiction


  1. B) Stare decisis
  2. D) Executive orders
  3. A) Jurisdiction
  4. D) Alternative dispute resolution (ADR)
  5. D) Strict scrutiny review
  6. A) Statute
  7. A) Chevron deference
  8. A) Reasoning
  9. D) Emotional reasoning
  10. A) Original jurisdiction

Premsagar Gavali

This is Premsagar Gavali working as a cyber lawyer in Pune. Mob. 7710932406

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